a little about us and the show
More than a passion, Jon’s addiction is rooted in the only way of life he’s ever known. Even at 8 years old, Jon knew his way around a bow like he knew Florida’s swamps, beaches and backwoods. Cast or blast, Jon was off the grid and on the hunt for hardcore adventures that not only gave him the outdoor fix he needed but served as the cornerstone of a legacy he now shares with Gina and their six children; not that Gina was a fish out of water either.
From knee-high, Gina’s father taught her the ways of the water with a rod and reel. Whether tromping through a backland marsh, listening to the hum of an outdoor motor or burying her toes in the sand, Gina’s addiction grew one inch of fishing line after another. And, when she met Jon, that addiction grew legs and headed into the woods.
Jon’s fist full of dirt addiction rubbed off on Gina early. Most weekends were spent on the hunt and sleeping at truck stops. Over the years, blood under the fingernails was replaced by school projects and sporting events. While Jon chases down success with three legacy-driven businesses, Gina fishes for the winning combination of household management and heart-pounding outdoor fixes. Still, they make time, constantly on the hunt for that perfect balance of family, feeding their outdoor addiction and leading their kids into legacies of their own. With a little blood, a lot of sweat and quite a few prayers, they live their lives like you do, at full draw. Welcome to their addiction.
Show schedule
Monday | 5:30 AM | EST
Tuesday | 1:30 PM | EST
Thursday | 04:30 PM | EST
Sunday | 12:30 PM | EST
Sunday | 11:30 PM | EST